"Vidal unwilling to leave "Barça" sets his sights on Champions League trophies"

Arturo Vidal arrived in "Barcelona" just over a year ago, but there are already reports in the foreign media that the 32-year-old Chilean may soon go to China to play.

However, A. Vidal himself, in an interview with "Sport", denied such rumors and insisted that he would only consider the possibility of leaving if the coach or the club wanted it.

"I am happy in Barcelona. I came here to help the team win more trophies.

I want to be an important part of the team, as I have been in all my clubs so far. I am not ready to change clubs every transfer window.

If the coach or the club officials want it, then I will gladly go. It wouldn't be a problem, but I believe I can still contribute significantly to the team's results. I still need to raise the Champions League trophies," said A. Vidal.