"West Ham" director suggests canceling this season's results

On Friday, England followed the example of other major leagues and at least until April 4 suspended the "Premier" and lower league matches due to the spread of the coronavirus.

So far it is still unclear how realistic it is to extend the season beyond the month of April. There is also consideration of the option that the season will end earlier than planned.

Karren Brady, the director of the club "West Ham United", in an interview with "Sun", suggested that the most fair decision would be to cancel the season and annul all results, meaning that "Liverpool" would remain without the Premier League champion title.

"There is no need to run away from the facts. English football is going through the toughest period in the past 75 years. It must be admitted that all the seasons of all English leagues could simply be canceled, and the results annulled.

The Premier League hopes that after a few weeks break they will be able to resume the season, but this may just remain a dream.

What should be done in such a case? The only logical solution would be to annul the results of this season. Who knows how everything would end if we played all the matches? Of course, such a decision would be a painful blow to Liverpool, who would lose their first Premier League trophy.

The entire situation and possible solutions will be discussed at a meeting of Premier League clubs next week," - K. Brady said.

At the moment, "West Ham" is in 16th place in the Premier League and is only outside the relegation zone due to a better goal difference.