Which one is better at scoring 11-meter penalties - L. Messi or C. Ronaldo? © JumpStory

This week Paris Saint-Germain's forward Lionel Messi made headlines not from the positive side. The 34-year-old veteran missed a penalty in the UEFA Champions League quarter-final match against Real Madrid, repeating the tournament's anti-record. The English media started to calculate which player - L. Messi or Manchester United's representative Cristiano Ronaldo - converts the easiest chance to score a goal better. "The Telegraph" reported that in club football, the Argentinian scored 84 out of 110 penalties accurately (76.4 percent), while the Portuguese hit the target 127 times out of 149 attempts (85.2 percent). In national team matches, L. Messi performs better - out of 22 shots, he scored 18 goals (81.8 percent), while C. Ronaldo more often misses (16 out of 23 shots, 69.6 percent). Summing up all attempts, L. Messi's career percentage is 77.3 (132/102), and C. Ronaldo's is 83.1 percent (172/143).