Wolfsburg replaced head coach © EuroFootball.com

The leaders of Wolfsburg club have finally become concerned about the poor performance of the club in the Bundesliga and have sacked head coach Jurgen Rober. The new club coach is a 49-year-old Belgian, former strategist of another German club Kaiserslautern, Erik Gerets. He was also relieved of his duties in February this year due to poor performance of Kaiserslautern.

The new coach is expected to start working with the team from this Tuesday. Although the goals set for the team before this season were to secure a place allowing to play in the UEFA Cup next year, after a successful start a series of losses followed and now Wolfsburg club leads only by five points ahead of three teams at the relegation threshold. But they face a tough test - next week's match against Berlin's Hertha, who also do not want to leave the Bundesliga.