German Bundesliga 2024/2025 Utilizing a quantitative advantage, Eintracht defeated the Stuttgart club.
German Bundesliga 2024/2025 Eintracht club dealt with the outsiders of the German championship at home.
German Bundesliga 2024/2025 O. Marmoush, on the verge of joining Man City, gifted victory to Eintracht.
German Bundesliga 2024/2025 Wonderfully competing O. Marmoushas helped the 'Eintracht' club to achieve victory.
German Bundesliga 2024/2025 Frankfurt "Eintracht" stands up against "Augsburg" club in the second half
German Bundesliga 2024/2025 In the Face of Red Cards "Eintracht" and "Werder" Parted Ways Peacefully.